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Note: cYbErDaRk.NeT is a Spanish virtual community
of scifi, fantasy and horror readers. Almost all the content is
in Spanish.
by Ignacio Illarregui
translated by María Jesús
Along the 90`s, it had emerged a new generation of writers as
Paul McAuley, Ken McLeod or the last one, China Mieville, who has created a very
particular way of understanding cf. Far from innovate and bring us new clichés, they
have used their early readings to build the basement of their narratives. Of course,
we couldn´t find that innovative, but they have a rich and baroque esthetic of their
own, where we could discover very interesting topics and influences.
Richard Calder |
One of these new authors is Richard Calder. He was living in
southeastern Asia for almost a decade, and this distance from the cf utterances, its
trends and movements, let him create a very personal style, based in a sort of
intensely alienated characters that survive difficultly in a exhuberant world. The
first title translated into Spanish, Malignos, a sword-and-sorcery story,
offers more than is accustomed in this kind of books. Soon, we`ll have another novel
in our bookshops, Dead Girls, a very surrealistic love story, really
I would like to thank Richard Calder for his kindness
conceeding these interview, and the time he dedicated to answer our questions. I hope
it could discover you these author, and push you to read him. Sure you`ll enjoy it.
Ignacio Illarregui
Malignos describes an exotic and perilous journey
from the surface to the center of the earth. What was your inspiration?
My novels have often grown out of an opening sentence, the
story gradually cohering about the tone of the first-person narrator's voice. (Once I
have a voice established in my head, a storyline seems to unfold of its own accord.)
In Malignos I feel I tapped into a deep archetype. Richard Pike, the hero
of Malignos, is, of course, something of a Campbellian hero, and his story is
the oldest story in the world: that of a man who, like Dante's middle-aged protagonist,
finds himself lost in the dark woods of life and cannot find his way home. Pike
embarks on a journey that involves the classic, mythical descent into the underworld.
There, the hero is tested, has strange adventures, discovers some important truth that
transforms him, and then returns to the upper world to share his knowledge with others,
and, of course, comes home. Malignos is but one more telling of this old, old
Malignos was also more obviously inspired by Jules
Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Pike enters the underworld by way
of a volcano in the Philippines, which parallels the manner in which Verne's characters
descend into the earth through the mouth of an Icelandic volcano. The landscape of the
Philippines (I was living in the Philippines when I wrote Malignos), and various
Filipino friends and acquaintances, were also a crucial influence.
Richard Pike, the main character, constantly feels like a
stranger in strangerland. Foreigner in the Darkling Isle, foreigner in the
Philippines... Have you ever felt like him?
Most certainly. Alienation is a key theme in all my novels,
and it's something, I suppose, that first drew me to the Far East: to find an alien
land where an alienated individual might feel at home. Once you have lived abroad for
several years - over a decade, in my case - it becomes difficult to readjust to life
in your native country. There's an abiding sense that you're an outsider, and will
always remain so.
He is a singular character. Ruthless, coward, selfish,...
values very dificult to find in a protagonist of a science fiction story. Why did you
make him that way?
I'm interested in creating characters that are neither good
nor bad but simply interesting, but I often think that the Devil really does
have all the best tunes. It's quite true that Pike isn't cut from the usual heroic
cloth - but I like to think of him as a more complex being than the average
sword-and-sorcery protagonist, and as such (I hope) more engaging. If he is something
of a 'Flashman', his voyage underground is an inner journey as much as an outer one: he
discovers that he is not the man he thought he was. In other words, his arrogance,
vanity, conceit and snobbishness are, at last, undermined by a revelation that he has
it in his power to become something else - a man worthy of the love of his
malignos woman, Gala.
What similarities exist between Malignos and the
rest of your narratives?
My fiction often employs first-person devices that lend
the narratives a certain 'tone', the disaffected 'voice' of the narrator being central
to the novel's effect, and the narrator of Malignos is no exception. Like
Ignatz Zwakh, the narrator of Dead Girls, Richard Pike is an outlaw who looks
upon life with an outlaw's perspective, and this is reflected in his wry, sardonic,
acidly witty manner of speech. And like Ignatz Zwakh, he has entered into an illegal
liaison with an inhuman woman - the concept of 'forbidden love' another theme central
to my work.
Last year it appeared a sequel of Malignos:
Lord Soho. What is the relation between them?
Lord Soho is the story of Richard Pike and Gala's
descendants, a generational saga spanning centuries and continents. The novel focuses
on a dying earth and a series of cursed, human narrators who have malignos
blood in their veins.
Why did you define the book as a Time Opera?
The book is composed of a number of inter-related novelettes,
each one of which focuses on a different 'Richard Pike' and his contribution to the
history of his time - and this accounts for the 'time' element. It is called a time
'opera' because each novelette is literally based on an opera, the sequence of
novelettes paralleling the worlds evoked by The Beggar's Opera,
The Marriage of Figaro, La Traviata, Patience, Turandot,
and Harrison Birtwistle's Punch and Judy.
This year, Gigamesh is going to publish Dead Girls.
Can you tell us something about this book? What will we find in it?
Dead Girls is set partly in a near-future,
sea-inundated London, and partly in Thailand. It has something of a 'Bonnie and Clyde'
theme in that it is about two young lovers on the run from the law - the lovers being
very young, and the law being the mad, gynocidal law of a neo-fascist England
represented by a ruling party that calls itself 'The Human Front'. The 'dead girls'
are young women infected with a malignant nanotech virus that causes human females to
metamorphose into vampiric, porcelain-like dolls at puberty. (The search for the
origins of this 'doll-plague' constitutes much of the book's plot). Dead Girls
is a novel of high-octane, sometimes surrealistic, escapades set against a tropical
nightmare world of high-tech bedazzlement, but at its heart it's a love story between
the enraptured narrator and 'doll-addict', Ignatz Zwakh, and his robotic, magical
girlfriend, Primavera Bobinski.
Didn´t you take a lot of risk starting your career with
a "trilogy"?
It didn't start off as a trilogy. After completing
Dead Girls I simply couldn't get the narrator's voice out of my head, and knew
that he had more to say to me - and so I continued the narrative into Dead Boys
and, eventually, Dead Things. The risk, I believe, was not so much in starting
my career with a trilogy, but with a series of novels that are sexually transgressive,
verbally and formally pyrotechnic, and (for an SF readership, at least) experimental.
In your recent visit to Gijon, you affirmed Angela Carter
is one of your more important influences. Why do you find her narratives so
When I first read Angela Carter, at about the age of
twenty-eight, she was a revelation. I was writing verse, almost exclusively, before
that time, and she demonstrated, to me, a way forward: how to write a rich, poetic
prose capable of dealing with exactly the same kind of themes that I was interested in:
the dark side of Romanticism, Symbolism, the Decadent movement, the Gothic, and a
unsparing focus on sexual issues. I also loved her use of the picaresque - the kind of
narrative structure I use in, say, Malignos.
What other authors inspired you? Why do you appreciate
In my mid teens I was heavily influenced by Michael Moorcock
and Mervyn Peake, and also by French Symbolism - in particular, Baudelaire. For me,
Baudelaire's oeuvre seemed to conflate with the work of bands such as
The Velvet Underground. Proust was a later influence. Joyce and Burgess, too.
I've always appreciated, and been influenced by, authors who use language in an
interesting way, and who explore the theme of the 'outsider'. I could mention so many
others: Burroughs, Ballard, Genet, H.P. Lovecraft, Poe. And of course, with poetry
being so important to me, particularly in my early life, I'd have to mention Alexander
Pope, the English Romantics, Tennyson, Browning and Rossetti, as well as the great
Modernist poets - I love Ezra Pound's translations, for instance.
Why do you use fantastic elements in your stories?
Because my literary focus is the exploration of fantasy, or
rather, of man as the animal that fantasises - the 'fantastic' animal, if you like.
This puts me squarely in the tradition of Surrealism, though like most contemporary
writers, I eschew classic Surrealist techniques. One of my heroes is Freud, the
seminal writer of the last one hundred years, who demonstrated that fantasy - the
life of dream and confabulation - is at the very heart of human life. So I'm interested,
not merely in my own fantasies, but in how human beings in general fantasise, and how
fantasy is a key factor in modern society. To lift fantasy - especially human fantasy
in its darker aspects - into the realm of metaphor, and redeem it from literalization
as societal hysteria, panic, witch-hunts, and paranoia, should, I think, be every
fantasy writer's objective.
What do you think about science fiction today?
British science fiction, today, mostly comprises space opera.
And however well-written space opera might be, it seems an odd, not to say
retrogressive, state of affairs, that so many writers - many of them very
skilled - find themselves mining such a relatively exhausted vein. For me, there's a
sense that the traditional themes of science fiction have been played out, and that
publishers - who are not much into risk taking these days - are intent on endlessly
recycling the past, in much the same way that contemporary popular music samples and
recycles the popular music of previous decades without doing anything genuinely
different to reinvigorate or transform it. In short, there's a dearth of originality,
a surfeit of 'product', and a disinclination to make the big imaginative gesture.
Round table, left to right: Andrzej
José María Faraldo, Tim Powers and Richard Calder
in "La Semana Negra", 2003 |
Do you usually read it?
I read SF/fantasy in fits and starts - I'll pick up a
handful of books, some contemporary, some, perhaps, out of print, and read them. But
these days it's becoming increasingly rare. I'm interested in SF/fantasy when it
starts to become something else, or is used in such a way that it becomes incorporated
in an extra-generic literary structure. I was very interested in the New Wave
and Cyberpunk, but not much recent writing has truly excited me.
Do you want to say anything to the Spanish readers? What
can they expect from Malignos or Dead Girls?
I'm very glad to be published in Spain. There seems, from what
I can gather, to be something of a resurgence of interest in SF and fantasy in Spain,
and I greatly enjoyed SEMANA NEGRA in Gijon and the enthusiasm of Spanish fans. What
may they expect from Malignos and Dead Girls? Well, I hope they encounter
worlds that are firmly set in science fiction and fantasy territory, but which are also
markedly different. I hope they encounter a fictional universe not quite like anything
they have come across before...
If you want more information about Richard Calder, you`ll get
it in his web:
As well, you can get it at the Gigamesh web, his publisher
in Spanish:
Here, in our data base at Cyberdark, there is
a link to his books that has been published in Spanish: